Letter To The Editor:
For over two and a half decades Jay Keeven served us as a member of the Illinois State Police, starting as a patrol officer and retiring as Major of Operation Services Command. His skills as an officer were only superseded by his professionalism and compassion. One example of this would be his appointment as a liaison to a metro-east family who tragically lost two family members in a crash with a patrolman. Jay was there for them 24 hours a day seven days a week.
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After retiring, Jay was highly recommended to serve as Chief of Police for the City of Edwardsville by Mayor Gary Niebur and City Administrator Ben Dickmann. During my eight years as mayor, he received unanimous support from the city council for his reappointment. Jay was always supportive of his officers and advocated for their needs and those of his growing department in a fiscally responsible manner. He managed our largest city department while overseeing the construction of the new police/fire building, In the evenings and on weekends, he instructed and completed the master's program at SIUE School of Public Administration and Poilicy Analysis.
Now Jay is running to be our next State Representative. By now, you’ve seen the attacks - the Chicago machine that supports Katie Stuart with millions of dollars every election cycle, is trying to smear him and his record. This political labeling is a classic way for them to hide the record of their weak candidate. Kate Stuart has spent almost a decade in Springfield ignoring the imminent financial disaster awaiting our state and instead has voted for benefits for non-citizens, has supported massive tax hikes, and has voted to weaken our election laws. She ran for office claiming she was a math teacher who would clean up Illinois finances, but our current national ranking is 48th in both Current Economic Outlook and Cumulative Domestic Migration over ten years.
So before you vote to continue these “extreme” policies, please consider it’s going to take Jay, and many others to get elected, to bring some fiscal sense to this state. It’s no wonder the rising costs of groceries, gas, and taxes has caused so many to leave.
Katie Stuart is the wrong choice for voters and she is afraid of competition. That’s why she spent so much time trying to kick Jay Keeven, great local judges, and myself off the election ballot. She knows when choices are on the ballot, her ideas lose. In November, do our state and your checkbook a favor, vote for Jay Keeven.
Hal Patton, Edwardsville
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