Splash-Smart is talkin' turkey, curbing your appetite, if you're struggling with your New Year's Resolutions to eat healthier & to lose some pounds?

Let's start right now

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Here's some easy suggestions to "Curb-it!"

Start the day by slowly drinking a cup of HOT WATER! Then, follow that up with a cup of bouillon!
How about eating "2" bananas with your breakfast -- if you are still hungry? Or eat an apple & a banana, both?

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Good old fashion oatmeal! Hot oatmeal is always a winner! And, it's filling!

Important note! Slow down! Remember to chew your mouthful, for "at least" 3 to 5 seconds "before swallowing, to allow your saliva to do it's job! That's true, also, anytime when you take a drink, I've been advised!

Enjoy "1 tea spoonful of "sun flower seeds, throughout the day. But, only "1 teaspoon, at a time!

Eat dry cereal? You could reduce the amount of your regular dry cereal, then gradually add up to a half cup of "puffed wheat or puffed rice" to enjoy the same bowl size, with less calories! 

If you are eating eggs? Why not add hot sauce, salsa or jalopeno peppers! It's believed that eating "hot peppers or hot sauce stimulates & boosts your metabolism!

Twice a week, swap a regular burger, with a "turkey burger!" Smother with dried cranberries!

Making a sandwich? Instead of using a slice of bread, use a tortilla!

Don't forget about adding, garlic, onions, rosemary, parsley, ginger or cinnamon among many other spices to enhance your meal & your taste buds!! Esp., Rosemary!

"Splash-on" lemon juice, cranberry juice,, orange juice or a slice of lime to your soft drink or H2 O! Get the idea?

Oh, hey! Be sure to try this! Add "1" Table spoonful of "white vinegar" to "8 ounces" of club soda or to a bottle of Perrier! Sip slowly, throughout the morning or afternoon- when you want to avoid eating more!

Take a Zip-lock bag of rinsed seedless grapes to the office & toss it in the freezer! Then, enjoy them as a frozen snack, later in the day, to snack on or use as "edible ice cubes" in your unsweetened ice tea!

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Always pour your bag of potato chips into a bole & add a cup of diced celery! Be sure to include a few of the leaves, because the leaves are loaded with an important mineral!

This is one of my favorite Splash! Health-Tips!! After awhile, you'll miss the "crunch" of adding the celery, if you forget it!

Or, why not, do without the bag of chips, all together! And, enjoy a side of diced celery topped with sea salt!

How about, an half hour before lunch or dinner, enjoy a cop of bouillon or hot soup?

V-8 offers several delicious, natural & healthy soups, that come in a box!
All you need is a pair of scissors & your own microwavable bowl! It heats in a couple minutes.

My personal favorite is the Golden Butternut! I have been adding sliced apples, sprinkling  cinnamon on top! One cup is 90 calories - the whole box only 180 calories!

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Got to treat yourself? Need a cookie? Munch on a box of Animal Crackers!

Savor a cup of low calorie hot chocolate, for the early evening! Top with "1" large marshmallow; Only ads "25 calories." But, will ad loads of fun!

All of these Splash-Smart ideas will work for you, too! Let me know! After all, feedback is the "Breakfast of Champions!"

Start thinkin' "Splash-Smart" Today!

Here's one "Splash! Health-Tip" to curb your appetite!

Add "1 Table spoon" of white vinegar to "8 ounces" to club soda or a bottle of Perrier!
Sip slowly!

Voila! Petite appetite!

Go get 'em!

Holly Fairfield

P. S. Please go out of your way, to thank your local police officers, this week!

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