The 8th Beach-Body Fitness Secret-Reveals the vital importance of a section of our UPPER LIMB; Just our Hands, Wrists, Forearm & Elbows,, for this week!

After all, we can bury ourselves in the sand, wrap -up in a beach towel! But, what remains, in part, still exposed is this week's Splash Beach-Body Fitness Secret!

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ANATOMY 102: "A typical adult human skeleton has `206 bones, of which 54 are in our HANDS." (Excluding sesamoid bones.)


"54 Bones!
Just think! Our HANDS have their own Languages; Sign language, in numerous ways! Wonderful & a means to communicate effectively!

Elegantly or clumsily?

Sometimes, if you know what I mean, we communicate with 1 finger! It's recognized all over the world! Incredible!

On the other hand, seriously!
There's Braille! We want to keep full sensitivity in our HANDS & FINGER TIPS!



WRISTS: They are a very complex joint! (Whew! Take my word for it, if you would!)

Our WRISTS are amazing!

Check out more on the internet, if you have further interest!


In our Forearms, we have the Radius & the Ulna bones, along with numerous muscles, tendons & ligaments.

And, the "ELBOW Joint, the synovial joint, the hinge joint,, bending 1 direction, restricted, moving inward & away from the body."

"The protruding, joint, of our ELBOWS, often unattractive bone, known as the "olecranon."

"Huh! Who knew?"

To give you a few "pointers, for our Beach-Body's! (Pun intended!)

Ideally, what we want to is to build our upper body, as a rule, to balance our "Beach-Body's & find ways to keep our Hands, Wrists, Forearms & Elbows healthy & attractive looking! Especially, at the pool & at the beach!!

"Agreed? Read on!"!

Let's go to work, right now!

Examine your Hands, Wrists, Forearms & Elbows!

It's very common to have one side more developed, more functional! Unless, you're ambidextrous!

What we want is balance! So, let's make our goal, for the rest of the Summer, "balance!"

HANDS: Greatest complaint "dryness?"

Combat dryness, specifically in this area, of our Beach-Body's!

For starters, generally, we need a "easy access" supply of hand lotion! You agree?
Do you keep several bottles or tubes around the house & at the office? If not, please consider it!

(Hide a tube of hand cream next to the alarm clock!
I do!)

And, treat yourself to regular manicures, at home or at a professional salon!
Men, too!

Plus! Splash on "sun screen" on the top of your hands, too avoid sun damage!


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HAND stiffness? It's another major complaint!

Let's tackle that!

FINGERS, digits, phalanges, or whatever you call them, "they" can be shapelier, too!

Just got to move every joint & how!

Try out!
"Splash! Finger-Gymnastics!"

Exercise, "work" each finger & both thumbs! Fully extend both PALMS!

Interlock each finger, using every finger!

Squeeze tightly & extend" throughout the day, providing better circulation & relaxation!

There are many hand exercises & gadgets that are fantastic, to keep each finger & thumb healthier & shapelier!

Or, do your own routine!

But, try to isolate each digit & work them "independently!

By doing simple hand exercises it's "stress relieving! (That's a bonus!)

Note: Diet may be a contributor to "stiffness & arthritis?"

WRISTS: Our WRISTS are surely complex & are amazing joints!

Let's do simple WRIST movements!
Use your full range of motion, bend & stretch often, at the joint!

You can do full WRIST circles, wave up & down, wave side-to side & "inward & outward circles.
Try, zig-zag??

Avoid HAND injury by doing simple "warm-ups" before weight lifting, spending hours at a keyboard, before playing sports, household chores, etc!

And, regularly "stretch" these HAND & WRIST muscles, tendons & ligaments, as a matter of habit!!

MEDICAL ALERT: Be aware of constant repetitive movements, numbness & tingling in your HANDS & FOREARMS! Seek professional medical advice!

Hand curls!

It's relatively easy to build up muscles with "lighter weights, with more repetitions, if that is your goal?

If you have any uncertainty about "body building" do some research, to avoid injury!

You may, even, want to seek professional advice, before you begin "body building!

What is often recommended, is to "build muscle 3 times, every week, not daily!


Just remember! The 8th SPLASH! Beach-Body Fitness-Secret is the importance of keeping our UPPER LIMBS fit! Healthy, strong & sexy!

"High 5!"

Go get 'em!

Holly Fairfield

ANATOMY SOURCE: Wikipedia; Human Anatomy.

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