Plan to attend the “What’s Up Downtown” info exchange on February 5th

A vibrant downtown sends an important message about a community and elevates the entire region. Area business people and property owners are invested in the success of our downtown, and Alton Main Street encourages all stakeholders to join the ongoing effort to build a thriving historic district.

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Alton Main Street helps the business community stay connected at events such as our free quarterly information exchanges called “What’s Up Downtown”, the next being February 5th from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. at the Jacoby Arts Center (627 E. Broadway). Refreshments are provided, and attendees can expect updates on progress in the district from the City of Alton, the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and business partners. This is your chance to work with City leaders, as well as business and property owners on leading economic development, market research, business retention and recruitment, and sales resources such as seminars and training. Business owners can develop a broader customer base, share ideas and create and co-marketing campaigns.

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Your participation builds on the important progress that the organization has made thus far to promote and improve the district. Connecting with this effort supports the mission of cultivating commerce, culture, and community, and instills a sense of pride where we live, work, and play. The organization made great strides in 2012, completing a number of impactful projects and events. The renovation at the corner of Piasa and 9th Street, including Alton’s newest mural and the Alton Farmers’ & Artisans’ Market is a prime example of how Alton Main Street works to beautify the area, encourage commerce and bring the community together. Now is the time for businesses to become partners by sending annual dues of $100 to Alton Main Street at 200 W. 3rd Street – Suite 100 in Alton.

Teams are forming now to make the Downtown Alton experience even more beautiful and compelling in 2013. Alton Main Street will be implementing economic growth and business development strategies, planning events and campaigns to raise awareness and promote shopping, and most importantly – collaborating with each other. Business leaders and their employees can make a difference as partners of Alton Main Street.  A leadership team is assembled to help make everyone's experience both meaningful and rewarding. 

Alton Main Street has built strong collaborative relationships to successfully attract businesses and drive customers to our district.  Help us make living and shopping in your downtown district a beautiful, authentic, and cultural experience and continue the incredible growth that is currently underway.  We hope that you will join the excitement of the Alton Main Street team. For more information, please contact Sara McGibany, Executive Director at 463-1016 or