Peace Conferences aren’t just for world leaders anymore. Be on the lookout. The power of the people to change the world for the good of all is being unleashed the week after Labor Day. The first "Peace Talks of the People, by the People, and for the People" in the United States will be held on Saturday, September 7, 2013 in Alton, Illinois, just across the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri - close to where where the famous Lewis & Clark expedition began in 1804.

“The Great Turnaround for Peace” Most Americans say that they don't want war, and that it hurts our people physically and financially. So too, most Americans – except the few who actually benefit from war – really want to speak up and do something to bring about peace. They just don't know where to go, or where to start. On September 7, that will change. The people of Alton, a river town in America’s Heartland, will be the first to meet with their neighbors to discuss solutions for a peaceful world, and begin “The Great Turnaround for Peace.” Where The People are The Stars The day-long Peoples’ Peace Conference - the first of many - is sponsored and facilitated by

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The guiding premise is that the people, not governments, have the answers, and that peace must come through the people - one person, one action at a time - multiplied. In search of more money and power, governments across the planet seem hell bent on creating more wars and more weapons. Therefore, whether human beings destroy themselves and the Earth is in the peoples' hands. It’s up to the people to snap out of apathy and turn the tide.

“To be free to dream dreams and work to manifest them in life is the essence of a peaceful society. Whereas, in the war economy in which we’re embroiled, the focus is on survival, domination, and death. In this environment, endeavors for the betterment of all are difficult and rare,” explains Susan Beaver Thompson, the Producer of “At this juncture in history, the people need a space to speak up for peace and for the dreams they hold dear; our dream is to create that forum worldwide.”

Let The Conversation Begin! At the Peace Talks, participants will meet in a large group and have breakout sessions using a "democracy-in-action" roundtable discussion format called Open Space Technology (OST). The people will set the agenda; everyone who wants to share will have the opportunity. At the end of the day, participants who wish can form follow-up teams to take action on local peace projects they develop. Over time, will become a “space” where people from different towns, states, and countries can freely interact, share, unite, and encourage one another to seek peace, internally and externally.

“The whole purpose of the Conference – and Open Space Technology – is to literally open a space for people to talk and share their ideas on a worthy subject, such as peace on Earth,” says Arthur Lewis, the Captain of “Our intention is to get everyone involved, empower them to speak up, and see to it that their voices are heard. After all, real power resides in the people – in their spirit and desire for freedom, truth, and love.”

Article continues after sponsor message

You Can’t Have Peace Without Love All of the Peace Conferences are non-partisan and non-denominational. The Alton Peace Talk will be held Saturday, September 7, 2013 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the large Fellowship Hall of Transformers United for Christ Church, at 1145 College Avenue, in Alton, Illinois. Refreshments will be provided.

The cost is $20 per person at the door, or $15 paid in advance. Group rates and some scholarships are available. To pre-register, visit - by midnight on September 6, 2013.

Like King Arthur's Roundtables of ancient times, all those who sit around the table will have an equal voice and get a chance to offer their insights and experience. As Thompson and Lewis remark: "Together, we can create a peaceful world. Believe it and it will happen. Your family, friends, and descendants are counting on you to take your seat at the table. You’ve earned the right by being born on this planet. Don’t lose faith. Stand strong. Do your part now to change the world. Attend a Peace Conference in your area, support the movement, and get involved on the website and via social media."

For More Information: Website: Email:  Phone: (910) 297-9380 Twitter: @thepeacedog  

To make a donation, visit is a peace journalism experiment, an example of social entrepreneurship in action, and a project of Augernaut Studios (Treatment# 1627059, Writers Guild of America). The Peace Pirates plan to hold a series of Peace Talks in the U.S., and then across the planet. They seek a peace vessel - a sailboat - to travel from town to town, talking with the people and broadcasting their voices on the web, and later on TV and film. Those who want to donate a vessel, become a sponsor, schedule a Peace Talk in their town, or discuss an idea for a joint venture, can call (910) 297-9380. The time is now. Being a bystander just doesn’t cut it anymore. For more information or to make a donation, go to

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