Bost Applauds Supreme Court Ruling On Abortion

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Mike Bost (IL-12) released the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization:

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“The issue of life is one that’s very personal to my wife, Tracy, and me; it’s the reason we got involved in politics nearly 40 years ago. I agree wholeheartedly with the Supreme Court’s decision to restore power to the American people to determine for themselves how abortion services are regulated in their state. It’s a historic decision that will help save the lives of countless innocent unborn children. As liberals in Illinois and Washington undoubtedly push forward with their abortion on-demand agenda, I’ll keep fighting to protect the lives of the unborn.”

Jennifer Korte: Roe V. Wade Historic Win for the Right to Life of Unborn Children

EDWARDSVILLE – Jennifer Korte, candidate for State Representative in the 112th District, is issuing the following statement on the United States Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“This decision is one that is very personal to me. Being a mom, I have experienced going to the doctor’s office and hearing the heartbeat of each one of my children. There is something reassuring each time I heard the heartbeats. It was a validation that all was well and that soon I would get to meet these wonderful new people.

I strongly support the rights of women to do whatever they want to do. I would not be running for office if I did not believe in women’s rights. The moment, though, you become pregnant, there are two lives at stake. As a society, we should value and celebrate all life and that includes the unborn. I am pro-life because I care about children and support their right to life.

My opponent Katie Stuart is one of the most radical pro-abortion legislators in Springfield. She even supports preventing parents from being informed their underage daughters are seeking an abortion. This is as radical as it gets. Illinois is one of the most liberal states in the country in terms of abortion regulation and is not likely changing any time soon.

As a legislator in Springfield, I will fight for common-sense policies such as ending taxpayer funded abortions and reinstating the parental notification law. I will also fight to require all abortion providers conform to Ambulatory Surgical Treatment Center Licensing Requirements. It is my hope we can use the momentum of the Supreme Court’s decision to put in place some common-sense abortion regulations in Illinois and push back against the radical agenda of extremists like Katie Stuart.”

Jennifer Korte is running as a Republican in the 112th District. The Primary Election is June 28, 2022.

IFT Condemns Supreme Court Decision To Overturn Roe vs. Wade

ILLINOIS – Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT) President Dan Montgomery issued the following statement responding to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade:

"As a union composed of more than 70 percent female members, we strongly condemn this radical decision and are deeply concerned about its implications for women and pregnant people.

“In this country, all women and pregnant people must be free to make their own decisions about their bodies. It is a fundamental right. Today’s decision will harm all, but there is no doubt that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), Latinx, and the economically disadvantaged – already marginalized groups – will suffer most. We cannot allow this radical conservative legal effort to erode all Americans’ rights and further marginalize society’s most vulnerable. And we will not go back to a time when abortions led to deaths for too many women.

“For many years, our elected IFT convention delegates have passed strong resolutions supporting reproductive and abortion rights. The IFT will continue to work in Illinois to ensure that women and pregnant people have the power to make their own healthcare decisions. We are thankful for Governor Pritzker’s staunch advocacy on this issue; we know he believes, as we do, that reproductive rights are human rights and should be an individual's choice."

Attorney General Says He Is "Extremely Disappointed" With Supreme Court Decision

CHICAGO – Attorney General Kwame Raoul today issued the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The court’s decision rolls back half a century of precedent established in Roe v. Wade and other cases that protect a patient’s right to decide, before viability, whether to carry a pregnancy to term.

“I am extremely disappointed with today’s Supreme Court decision, which jeopardizes the health, the safety and the lives of millions of women in the United States – especially those who already have the least access to health care and other resources. This single decision rolls back 50 years of court precedent and with it, decades of progress toward reproductive autonomy. Contrary to the rhetoric used by some, make no mistake: This decision will not end abortion. What it will do is end access to safe abortions for many women throughout the country.

“In anticipation of the court’s decision, dozens of states have taken draconian steps to restrict access to or criminalize abortion. While some women living in those states could decide to seek legal abortions in other states like Illinois, the option of traveling great distances for potentially lifesaving abortion care may not be available to low-income women or victims of abuse. By revoking a woman’s right to reproductive choice, the court now leaves too many women faced with making unimaginable decisions.

“As I assured Vice President Kamala Harris yesterday at a White House roundtable on reproductive health, Illinois has been and will continue to be a proud reproductive health care oasis where women have the right to make their own highly-personal reproductive health decisions with their families and medical professionals. In light of today’s decision, I encourage people to review guidance my office issued to ensure reproductive rights are protected in Illinois, and I am reminding law enforcement that abortion is legal in Illinois – regardless of today’s decision.

“As we prepare for an influx of women from neighboring states to seek abortion services in Illinois, my office is actively working with the governor’s office and Legislature to address concerns triggered by the court’s decision. Specifically, we must expand safeguards under state law to ensure that women and providers are protected from those who would use this decision to obstruct access to abortion care.

“Today is a sad day in the history of the Supreme Court and our nation. However, this wrong-sided decision does nothing to alter my commitment to enforcing the reproductive health protections already enshrined in Illinois law, working with Illinois policymakers to expand protections under state law, and continuing to urge Congress to codify reproductive health care rights in federal law.”

Rep. Kelly Expresses Outrage as SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Robin Kelly (IL-02), Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus Health Braintrust, today expressed outrage as the Republican-controlled Supreme Court issued an unprecedented decision overturning Roe v. Wade, erasing the right to abortion for millions of women nationwide:

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“I’m unspeakably outraged that today the Supreme Court has erased 50 years of precedent and openly attacked the rights of women nationwide. This decision will have an extremely detrimental impact on women’s healthcare, especially in the face of our worsening maternal mortality crisis. More mothers are going to die.

Black women, marginalized women, low-income women and rural women will bear the brunt of this. However, this is an attack on the personal freedom and bodily autonomy of every single person living in the United States.

The American people overwhelmingly wanted the Supreme Court to uphold the right to abortion and know that this decision will open the Supreme Court up to further attack our personal rights.

I am already working with my colleagues to determine how we can legislatively protect the right to abortion and protect women’s healthcare. This is not the end. Today we are angry – this is shameful. But we will not give up.”

State Treasurer Michael Frerichs: "As the Father of a Teenage Daughter, I am Furious" About Supreme Court Decision

SPRINGFIELD – Illinois State Treasurer Michael Frerichs today responded to the Supreme Court opinion that overturned Roe v. Wade.

“Five people I never met decided they will make health decisions for my school-aged daughter, not me,” Frerichs said.

“Years from now, when my daughter is an adult, she will not be able to decide what happens with her body because five people she never met determined they know best,” Frerichs said.

“Today, the doctors and nurses and friends who participate in a woman’s decision could face criminal charges for doing nothing more than delivering their professional opinion, providing their expert care, and offering a supportive role,” Frerichs said.

“As the father of a teenage daughter, I am furious with the hypocritical politicians who seek to control her body and have decided that she, and every other woman in my life, and in our country, are incapable of making decisions about their own body.”

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the landmark 1973 Roe decision. It upheld the Mississippi case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, that banned abortion after 15 weeks.

Anticipating that Roe might be shunned aside, Illinois lawmakers passed a series of laws that keep abortion services legal in Illinois. However, future Illinois lawmakers could reverse this decision.

Durbin Statement On Supreme Court Decision To Overturn Roe Vs. Wade

Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on July 12 on the consequences of the Court’s decision to strip away this longstanding constitutional right

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today released the following statement on the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Durbin also announced that the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on July 12 that will examine a post-Roe America.

“Today’s decision eliminates a federally protected constitutional right that has been the law for nearly half a century. As a result, millions of Americans are waking up in a country where they have fewer rights than their parents and grandparents.

“The bottom line: on critical, personal choices involving a woman’s right to make reproductive decisions about her own body, do you trust her or the government? The Supreme Court now says a woman’s right to privacy does not extend to the most personal, private choice she will ever face.

“The Senate Judiciary Committee will explore the grim reality of a post-Roe America in a hearing next month. The Court’s decision to erase the right to access an abortion will not only lead to the denial of critical health care services, but also criminal consequences for women and health care providers in states eager to embrace draconian restrictions. I will keep fighting to enshrine into law a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices. We cannot let our children inherit a nation that is less free and more dangerous than the one their parents grew up in.”

Duckworth Responds to Dangerous, Outrageous Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade, Taking Away Constitutional Rights for Millions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today issued the following statement after an ultra-conservative majority of the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade:

“I am outraged and horrified—this outcome is a nightmare that robs women of their right to make their own choices about their healthcare and their bodies, and it paves the way for a nationwide abortion ban that Republicans have been seeking for decades. Millions of American families—including my own—have relied on Roe v. Wade for almost 50 years, and 70% of Americans believe it should remain the law of the land. The Supreme Court of the United States and the Justices who claimed Roe was ‘settled law,’ but then turned around and ruled otherwise, will—as Justice Sotomayor said—'struggle to survive the stench’ of this extreme decision.

“In a nation with a growing maternal mortality crisis and often inaccessible healthcare, without affordable child care or universal paid leave, forcing births on anyone—even when the mother’s life could be at risk—is not only cruel, it will also be deadly. Doctors working in states where abortion, or even management of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, is outlawed could even be threatened with prison for daring to save a patient’s life. Victims of rape could be forced to relive their trauma every day.

“I refuse to let my daughters grow up in a world with fewer rights than I had. As Republicans continue their march toward a nationwide abortion ban, I will do everything in my power to ensure that Illinois remains a safe haven for all women seeking reproductive care. It is as important as ever that the Senate acts to codify Roe v. Wade into law so that every American in every state has equal access to basic, necessary healthcare—regardless of their skin color, zip code or income.”

Duckworth has made protecting and expanding access to essential women’s healthcare a top priority. She spoke out on the Senate floor in support of Americans’ reproductive rights and issued a statement after the leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court showed that a small group of far-right Justices could overturn Roe v. Wade in the coming weeks. Last year, she helped introduce the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) to codify Roe into law and was outraged when Republicans blocked this critical legislation earlier this year. Additionally, Duckworth is the lead sponsor of the Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Healthcare (EACH) Act, which would end the Hyde Amendment and lift unjust abortion coverage restrictions for those who depend on Medicaid and other government-sponsored plans.

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